My Orcid ID is 0000-0001-6723-6833.
My Google Scholar Profile is here.
Preprints of some of my work can be found on bioRxiv and arXiv
CJ Macgregor, S Gillings, DE Balmer, PH Boersch-Supan, SJ Harris, HFR Hereward, EM Humphreys, JW Pearce-Higgins,
RC Taylor, G Troost, PW Atkinson (2024)
Impacts of highly-pathogenic avian influenza on seabird populations in the North Sea are detectable in seawatchers’ migration counts
Bird Study
JG Davies, PH Boersch-Supan, GD Clewley, EM Humphreys, NJ O’Hanlon, J Shamoun-Baranes, CB Thaxter, E Weston, ASCP Cook (2024)
Influence of wind on kittiwake flight and offshore wind turbine collision risk
Marine Biology
CJ Pollock, DT Johnston, PH Boersch-Supan, …, ASCP Cook (2024)
Avoidance and attraction responses of kittiwakes to three offshore wind farms in the North Sea
Marine Biology
J Border, P Boersch-Supan, …, S Baillie (2024)
Spatial variation in spring arrival patterns of Afro-Palearctic bird migration across Europe
Global Ecology and Biogeography
CH Brighton, D Massimino, PH Boersch-Supan, AE Barnes, B Martay, DE Bowler, HMJ Hoskins, JW Pearce-Higgins (2024)
The benefits of protected areas for bird population trends may depend on their condition.
Biological Conservation
PH Boersch-Supan, CH Brighton, CB Thaxter, ASCP Cook (2024)
Natural body size variation in seabirds provides a fundamental challenge for flight height determination by single-camera photogrammetry.
Marine Biology
PH Boersch-Supan, HJ Hanmer, RA Robinson (2024)
Extended molt phenology models improve inferences about molt duration and timing
PH Boersch-Supan, ATK Lee, HD Oschadleus (2023)
A demonstration of the value of recapture data for informing moult phenology models for species with imperfect moult data
D Johnston, C Thaxter, P Boersch-Supan, … , E Humphreys (2023)
Flight heights obtained from GPS versus altimeters influence estimates of collision risk with offshore wind turbines in Lesser Black-backed Gulls
Movement Ecology
HD Oschadleus, PH Boersch-Supan (2023)
Sunning in Yellow Bishops Euplectes capensis
LC Evans, Y Melero, R Schmucki, PH Boersch-Supan, L Brotons, C Fontaine, F Jiguet, M Kuussaari, D Massimino, RA Robinson, DB Roy, O Schweiger, J Settele, C Stefanescu, CAM van Turnhout, TH Oliver (2023)
Mechanisms underpinning community stability along a latitudinal gradient: insights from a niche-based approach
Global Change Biology
AE Barnes, JG Davies, B Martay, PH Boersch-Supan, SJ Harris, DG Noble, JW Pearce-Higgins, RA Robinson (2022)
Rare and declining bird species benefit most from designating protected areas for conservation in the UK
Nature Ecology & Evolution
HJ Hanmer*, PH Boersch-Supan*, RA Robinson (2022)
Differential changes in lifecycle-event phenology provide a window into regional population declines
Biology Letters
*joint first authors
LC Evans, Y Melero, R Schmucki, PH Boersch-Supan, L Brotons, C Fontaine, F Jiguet, M Kuussaari, D Massimino, RA Robinson, DB Roy, O Schweiger, J Settele, C Stefanescu, CAM van Turnhout, TH Oliver (2022)
Bioclimatic context of species’ populations determines community stability
Global Ecology and Biogeography
OJ Robinson, JB Socolar, EF Stuber, T Auer, AJ Berryman, PH Boersch-Supan, DJ Brightsmith, AH Burbidge, SHM Butchart, CL Davis, AM Dokter, AS Di Giacomo, A Farnsworth, D Fink, WM Hochachka, PE Howell, FA La Sorte, AC Lees, S Marsden, R Martin, RO Martin, JF Masello, ET Miller, Y Moodley, A Musgrove, D Noble, V Ojeda, P Quillfeldt, JA Royle, V Ruiz-Gutierrez, JL Tella, P Yorio, C Youngflesh, A Johnston (2022)
Extreme uncertainty and unquantifiable bias do not inform population sizes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119:e2113862119
DT Johnston, C Thaxter, PH Boersch-Supan, L Humphreys, W Bouten, GD Clewley, ES Scragg, EA Masden, LJ Barber, G Conway, NA Clark, NHK Burton, ASCP Cook (2022)
Investigating avoidance and attraction responses in lesser black-backed gulls Larus fuscus to offshore wind farms
Marine Ecology Progress Series 686:187-200
ID Woodward, GE Austin, PH Boersch-Supan, CB Thaxter, NK Burton (2022)
Assessing drivers of winter abundance change in Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata in England and Wales
Bird Study
PH Boersch-Supan (2021)
[Re] Modeling Insect Phenology Using Ordinal Regression and Continuation Ratio Models
ReScience C
KH Nguyen*, PH Boersch-Supan*, RB Hartman, SY Mendiola, VJ Harwood, DJ Civitello, JR Rohr (2021)
Interventions can shift the thermal optimum for parasitic disease transmission.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2017537118
*joint corresponding authors
DA O’Brien, ML Taylor, HD Masonjones, PH Boersch-Supan, OR O’Shea (2021)
An experimental assessment of social tolerance and den ecology in a high-density octopus population.
Marine Biology
EM Humphreys, GE Austin, T Frost, H Mellan, PH Boersch-Supan, NK Burton, DE Balmer (2021)
Wader populations on the UK’s open coast: results of the 2015/16 Non-Estuarine Waterbird Survey (NEWS-III) and a review of population trends
Bird Study 67:371-384
DA O’Brien, ML Taylor, HD Masonjones, PH Boersch-Supan, OR O’Shea (2020)
Drivers of octopus abundance and density in an anchialine lake: a 30 year comparison
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 528:151377
PH Boersch-Supan, AE Trask, SR Baillie (2019):
Robustness of simple avian population trend models for semi-structured citizen science data is species-dependent
Biological Conservation 240:108286
NJB Isaac, MA Jarzyna, P Keil, LI Dambly, PH Boersch-Supan, E Browning, SN Freeman,
N Golding, G Guillera-Arroita, P Henrys, S Jarvis, J Lahoz-Monfort, J Pagel, OL Pescott, R
Schmucki, E Simmonds, RB O’Hara (2019):
Data Integration for Large Scale Models of Species Distributions
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
PH Boersch-Supan, LR Johnson (2018):
Two case studies detailing Bayesian inference for dynamic energy budget models
Journal of Sea Research 143:57-69
Youker-Smith TE, Boersch-Supan PH, Whipps CM, Ryan SJ (2018):
Environmental drivers of ranavirus in free living amphibians in constructed ponds.
EcoHealth 15:608-618
Boersch-Supan PH, Johnson LR, Phillips RA, Ryan SJ (2018):
Surface temperatures of albatross eggs and nests.
Emu - Austral Ornithology 118:224-229
Ryan SJ, Lippi CA, Boersch-Supan PH, Heydari N, Silva N, Adrian J, Noblecilla LF, Ayala EB, Encalada M, Larsen DA, Krisher JT, Krisher L, Fregosi L, Stewart-Ibarra AM (2017):
Quantifying Seasonal and Diel Variation in Anopheline and Culex Human Biting Rates in Southern Ecuador.
Malaria Journal 16:479
Johnson LR, Boersch-Supan PH, Phillips RA, Ryan SJ (2017):
Changing measurements or changing movements? Sampling scale and movement model identifiability across multiple generations of biologging technology.
Ecology and Evolution 7:9257–9266
Sydeman WJ, Thompson SA, Anker-Nilssen T, Arimitsu M, Bennison A, Bertrand S, Boersch-Supan P, Boyd C, Bransome NC, Crawford RJ, Daunt F, Furness RW, Gianuca D, Gladics A, Koehn L, Lang JW, Logerwell E, Morris TL, Phillips EM, Provencher J, Punt AE, Saraux C, Shannon L, Sherley RB, Simeone A, Wanless RM, Wanless S, Zador S (2017):
Best Practices for Assessing Forage Fish Fisheries - Seabird Resource Competition.
Fisheries Research 194:209–221
Djurhuus A, Boersch-Supan PH, Mikalsen S, Rogers AD (2017):
Microbial biogeography tracks water-mass features of a dynamic oceanic frontal system.
Royal Society Open Science 4:170033
Rogers A, Alvheim O, Bemanaja E, Benivary D, Boersch-Supan PH, Bornman T, Cedras R, Du Plessis N, Gotheil S, Høines A, Kemp K, Kristiansen J, Letessier T, Mangar V, Mazungula N, Mørk T, Pinet P, Pollard R, Read J, Sonnekus T (2017):
Pelagic communities of the South West Indian Ocean seamounts: R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen Cruise 2009-410.
Deep Sea Research II 136:5-35
Borrelle SB, Boersch-Supan PH, Gaskin CP, Towns DR (2016):
Influences on recovery of seabirds to islands eradicated of invasive predators, with a focus on Procellariiformes.
Boersch-Supan PH, Ryan SJ, Johnson LR (2016):
deBInfer: Bayesian inference for dynamical models of biological systems in R
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8:511–518
Boersch-Supan PH (2016)
rucrdtw: Fast time series subsequence search in R
Journal of Open Source Software 1(7):100
Letessier TB, Cox MJ, Meeuwig JJ, Boersch-Supan PH, Brierley AS (2016):
Enhanced pelagic biomass around coral atolls.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 546:271-276
Boersch-Supan PH, Rogers AD and Brierley AS (2015):
The distribution of pelagic scattering layers across the Southwest Indian Ocean.
Deep Sea Research II 136:108-121
Letessier TB, De Grave S, Boersch-Supan PH, Kemp KM, Brierley AS, Rogers AD (2015):
Seamount influences on mid-water shrimps (Decapoda) and gnathophausiids (Lophogastridea) of the South-West Indian Ridge
Deep Sea Research II 136:85-97
Laptikovsky V, Boersch-Supan PH, Bolstad K, Kemp KM, Letessier TB, Rogers AD (2015):
Cephalopods of the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge: a hotspot of biological diversity and absence of endemism.
Deep Sea Research II 136:98-107
Boersch-Supan PH, Boehme L, Read JF, Rogers AD and Brierley AS (2012).
Elephant seal foraging dives track prey distribution, not temperature: Comment on McIntyre et al. (2011)
Marine Ecology Progress Series 461:293-298
Rogers AD, Tyler PA, Connelly DP, Copley JT, James R, Larter RD, Linse K, Mills RA, Naveira-Garabato A, Pancost RD, Pearce DA, Polunin NVC, German CR, Shank T, Boersch-Supan PH, Alker B, Aquilina A, Bennett SA, Clarke A, Dinley RJJ, Graham ACG, Green D, Hawkes JA, Hepburn L, Hilario A, Huvenne VAI, Marsh L, Ramirez-Llodra E, Reid WDK, Roterman CN, Sweeting CJ, Thatje S, Zwirglmaier K (2012):
The discovery of new deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities in the Southern Ocean and implications for biogeography.
PLoS Biology 10(1):e1001234
Vignettes are a type of long-form documentation in the R world. They are a bit like a book chapter or an academic paper, but are usually more explicit on the computational details. I have written or co-authored the following vignettes:
Getting started with moultmcmc
Extended moult models
Moult data likelihoods and model priors
Bayesian inference for a population growth model of the chytrid fungus
Bayesian inference for the logistic growth model
Speeding up parameter inference with compiled models
Integrating citizen science data sets to improve a national bird monitoring scheme
Talk presented at the virtual International Statistical Ecology Conference 06/2020
Linking seabird energetics to population dynamics
Poster presented at the 2016 Gordon Research Conference on Unifying Ecology Across Scales, Biddeford, ME.
deBInfer: Bayesian inference for dynamical models of biological systems in R
Poster presented at the International Society for Bayesian Analysis 2016 Conference
Changing measurements of changing movements? - Detecting movement patterns across multiple generations of tracking technology
Poster presented at the International Statistical Ecology Conference, Seattle, 06/2016
Unravelling physiological and ecological determinants of albatross chick growth
Slides presented at the World Seabird Conference, Capetown, 11/2015
Twitter version from the World Seabird Twitter Conference
Modelling the bioenergetics and foraging behaviours of albatrosses
Poster presented at the Dynamic Energy Budget Theory Symposium in Marseilles, 05/2015