Bayesian inference for Underhill-Zucchini moult models and expansions

  id_column = NULL,
  start_formula = ~1,
  duration_formula = ~1,
  sigma_formula = ~1,
  type = 2,
  lump_non_moult = FALSE,
  init = "auto",
  flat_prior = TRUE,
  beta_sd = 0,
  log_lik = FALSE,
  use_phi_approx = FALSE,
  active_moult_recaps_only = TRUE,
  same_sigma = FALSE,



the name the column in data containing moult indices, i.e. a numeric vector of (linearized) moult scores in [0,1] (0 = old plumage, 1 = new plumage; for model types 1-5), numerical moult codes (1 = old plumage, 2 = moulting, 3 = new plumage; for model type 1), or a mixed column created by consolidate_moult_records for model type 12.


the name the column in data containing sampling dates, encoded as days since an arbitrary reference date, i.e. a numeric vector


(optional) factor identifier. Usually a season-individual combination to encode within-season recaptures, defaults to NULL. When provided moultmcmc will attempt to fit the relevant recaptures model.


model formula for start date


model formula for duration


model formula for start date sigma


integer (one of 1,2,3,4,5,12) referring to type of moult data and consequently model to be fitted (see details)


logical; should pre- and post-moult observations be treated as indistinguishable? if TRUE and type %in% c(1,2,12), the relevant lumped model will be fitted (see details).


Input data frame must contain a numeric column "date" and a column "moult_cat" which is a numeric vector of categorical moult codes (1 = old plumage,2 = moulting,3 = new plumage).


Specification of initial values for all or some parameters. Can be the string "auto" for an automatic guess based on the data, or any of the permitted rstan options: the digit 0, the strings "0" or "random", or a function. See the detailed documentation for the init argument in rstan::stan.


use uniform prior on start date and duration (TRUE) or vaguely informative truncated normal prior (FALSE). Defaults to TRUE.


use zero-centred normal priors for regression coefficients other than intercepts? If <= 0 the stan default of improper flat priors is used.


boolean retain pointwise log-likelihood in output? This enables model assessment and selection via the loo package. Defaults to FALSE, can lead to very large output arrays when sample size is large.


logical flag whether to use stan's Phi_approx function to calculate the "old" likelihoods


logical flag whether to ignore repeated observations outside the active moult phase


logical flag, currently unused


Arguments passed to rstan::sampling (e.g. iter, chains).


An object of class stanfit returned by rstan::sampling


type refers to the type of moult data available (see Underhill and Zucchini (1998) and Underhill, Zucchini and Summers (1990)).

type = 1 sample is representative of entire population (not yet moulting, in moult, and birds which have completed moult). For type 1 data, any value between 0 and 1 (> 0 and < 1) can be used as the moult index for birds in active moult. The value used does not matter, only the fact that they are in moult. type = 2 (default) sample is representative of entire population (not yet moulting, in moult, and birds which have completed moult). Moult scores are required.

type = 3 sample is representative only of birds in moult. Individuals with moult scores 0 or 1 are ignored.

type = 4 sample is representative only of birds in moult and those that have completed moult. Individuals with moult scores 0 are ignored.

type = 5 sample is representative only of birds that have not started moult or that are in moult. Individuals with moult scores 1 are ignored.