Dr Philipp Boersch‑Supan

Quantitative Ecologist

Some Birds

Some birds I encountered during my trek. Bold species are endemic to Réunion.

Common Myna, Hirtenmaina (Acridotheres tristis) 

Madagascar Fody, Madagaskarweber (Foudia madagascariensis)

Village Weaver, Dorfweber (Ploceus cucullatus)
Réunion Stonechat, Réunion Schwarzkehlchen, "Tec-Tec" (Saxicola tectes

Réunion Bulbul, Réunion Bülbül (Hypsipetes borbonicus)
Mascarene Swiftlet, Maskarenen-Salangane (Collocalia francica)

Grey White-Eye, Maskarenen-Brillenvogel (Zosterops borbonicus)

And last but not least my favourite:

Red-whiskered Bulbul, Rotohrbülbül (Pycnonotus jocosus)